Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"I'm going to take a second here to praise the work of Monsanto. Good people. Doing a fine job protecting our nations food supplies with their insect-resistant Frankenstein corn. They don't coddle pests and i respect that." - Stephen Colbert

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Managing Talent

Not so long ago, while imagining perfection, I envisioned a local artisan foods shop, featuring a butcher, a baker, a dairy farmer with raw milks and a cheese monger, a vegetable farmer growing organic heirloom varietals, a canner of vegetables and sauces, a fisherman (woman), and a select group of expert food artisans who depended on these local professionals for their ingredients. The vision included having all these amazing quality items sold at affordable prices in a grocery store setting available to the public 6-7 days per week.

Yes, I have been called a "Dreamer".

My manifest vision is called Delaney's located in "Old Town" Temecula. Delaney's is in it's first stages of becoming it's true self. Currently we are studded with a growing amounts of local organic produce, raw milk, pastured grass-fed meats, free range eggs and so much more. We actively seek more consistently available sources for these unique and highly valuable food choices. In our next evolution we are looking to add a butcher and a baker to our lineup. The butcher will feature locally raised grass-fed and pastured beef, chicken, and pork cut to order and we are asking Pastry Chef Stacey Willis to become our full-time baker. We hope you will watch and shop with as we press toward our goal of becoming the Marketplace every local community needs.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Ideas for a New Year

Left to my own devices I am a very make it happen, remove all distractions and "get 'er done" person. However, spend any time getting 'er done and you will notice as I have that the 'er is difficult to define. As a multitasking small business owner who, as one customer describes, "manages talent", it is easy to find myself wheel-spinning with a "just do something" attitude followed by lots of hand-wringing and wondering about the results. Could it be that the often undefinable and elusive 'er is a manifestation of the path of least resistance? What? Is she suggesting an un-American laziness tolerated only by the lack of patriotism found in other countries? Ok, no this is a conversation of choice, thinking before you strike, bob, weave, or wait. It's a conversation about removing the minutia that insists upon clogging our minds with the "pick me", I'm the most important problem syndrome by which many of us find ourselves duped. It is choosing the correct action and then acting.

It's taken me 19 days to revise but here's my resolution for the year: I will wake in the morning and consider and go to bed at night and reflect the path of least resistance that I may arrive at an expected end in 2011.

Today we are serving a handmade / organic Hispanic lunch at Delaney's. Clearly a store of multinationals who just love good food. Bon Appetit. Lol.